Shamanic healing

"The wounded healer"

It is very typical that those whom themselves have been wounded and found healing, those are the ones that learn to heal and give on to others what they themselves have experienced.

For you who seeks healing, it is of course an advantage if your healer have been through somethings similar himself, and thereby understand your situation. But it is important that the "wound" have been healed, before the healer can actualle heal - and not just spead his own wound or sees his own problem in others. You want to work with a healer whom himself have succeeded in improving.

In the case of Allan, the fundamental wound was probably loneliness, combined with a feeling of being different due to desires or interests. To stand out as different and not fit in. That ones opinion was not important enough to say out loud. The feeling of not having experienced anything particular interesting to talk about.

Add to that a good dose of shyness - which doesn't fit at all for a person dreaming about being dominant, and it took quite some detours before it could express itself.

But the belief that we are all spiritual being have always been there. The different "-isms" has been compared to what appeared as true for Allan, and after detours it ended with a 300 hours education to Shamanic Energy Medicine practitioner, according to a tradition put together from what the Inkas of South America have left us.

So after lots of practise healings, Allan have been offering healings since the end of his education in 2021.

His alternate background in BDSM/Shibari/kink, as well as working with LGBTQA+ and poly people give the extra assurance that you can talk about anything and be understood instead of being condemned (but in contract to psychologists I am not protected by confidentiality, meaning I have as duty to report certain punishable things.)


Nature and technology

Allan considers himself a technological shaman. Part of shamanism is to look after nature and live in harmony, but it is also possible to achive harmony in a modern world with all our electroniscs (which Allan works with on a daily basis).

Allan is driven by the belief that one should seek help from those who are successful themselves, and as such, Allan has got the core of his life in order: a good job, enough money. Healing is something that is used to reach new levels of ability - not to keep something alive that has broken.


What happens in healing?

It's actually very individual, depending on what you need. But after a conversation, Allan will feel with himself if he thinks he is able to help, in which case you will be able to book an evening or a day for a session.

Exactly how long it takes is also not known - it depends on what comes up, and what comes up we will try to finish in the same session. So sometimes it lasts an hour, other times maybe five hours.

Healing can be done both with physical meeting and over distance on zoom. A session starts with agreeing on the topic to be healed, after which you will often lie down while we work on your energy field. If we have received gifts with return from the spirit world to you, then we will eventually both sit up while you yourself try to find out what they mean to you and how you can use them to make changes in your life.

Smoke (sage), rattles and other typical shaman instruments can be used during our energy work.


What can be healed?

A shaman has put it this way: “If you break a leg, go to the doctor and get it fixed. Then, visit a shaman and find out why you broke it in the first place!”

We work at the energy level to remove imprints, curses and anything else that may be stuck in your energy body so that you can become yourself again. So e.g. one could turn to for help with perpetual mishaps, physical and mental ailments, and everything else one could imagine benefited from a spiritual clarification.

It can be combined with doctor prescribed treatment to strengthen or speed up your healing.


What does it cost?

Traditionally, Inca shamans travel around and those who used their services paid or gave gifts according to their ability to pay.

In this modern world, however, the latest course in shamanic healing costs a lot of money to take and lasts ½ year, so Allan offers a standard session price of 600,- DKK (covers a session lasting from 1 o 3 hours). Note that several sessions are often needed to open up a problem and get it treated thoroughly - and get it integrated so you don't fall back to old patterns again.

However, if you can not afford it, we will return to the gift principle according to ability - so write freely and ask!


How do I get it?

Write an email or SMS to, mobile: +45 60 66 03 80

Include a few words about yourself and what you are looking for healed, and then I will contact you.


Is it safe?

It is unfortunately at your own risk and there is no industry organization to complain to. But there are several shamanic practisioners to choose between, both in Denmark and abroad, from the different branches of shamanism, so it is always possible to seek help from another.

A rule of thumb is that one cannot heal the things in others that are still unhealed in oneself, which can be a reason why you are immediately referred.


What else can be offered under healing?

A raw list of other stuff which Allan could be of assistance with:

  • Reiki healing
  • Tarot and "Shaman oracle" card readings
  • Shamanic cleaning of home or workplace
  • Assistance to the dying with preparing themselves for the journey onwards
  • Assistance to the deceased with moving on to the next world (due to their state these people cannot pay - shamans just help those we meet)

Just write and ask if interested in knowing more about any of these.